Subpoena Contact Information
Subpoenas should be sent to We are not able to respond to correspondence sent by non-law enforcement officials, so please send from an official government email address.
Emergency Requests
If you believe that an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure without delay, please contact us at with the subject line ‘Emergency Request’, and provide the factual basis for the request so that we might evaluate it under 18 USC § 2702. Additionally, please call our Support Center at 1-855-227-1939 and request they call the Security Compliance Officer.
International Legal Process Requests
Please be advised that Performive is headquartered in and offers its services from the United States of America. Our customer data is stored exclusively in the United States.
If you would like to obtain the requested information from Performive, please follow a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) or letters rogatory process so that a U.S. court might issue the required U.S. legal process to Performive.
Data Retention Policy
Performive maintains account records for 12 months after termination of an account or services from an account. Request for information over 12 months will be limited. Performive maintains logs of network traffic for 90 days after 90 days these logs are rotated and we will not be able to provide any details of an event other than our customer of record. Performive provides dedicated servers and does not monitor what may be on the servers as an agent.
Fees & Information
Any requests associated with a subpoena must be accompanied by payment by the person or entity submitting the civil subpoena. This is to cover costs associated with subpoena compliance prior to delivery of the information that has been subpoenaed.
Performive cost schedule is as follows:
Research – $175.00/hour
Delivery (via UPS/FedEx) – Cost as billed
Copies – $0.50/page
Optical media – $10.00/disc
Bank Transfer/Wire Transfer Fees – Court Research Costs
All applicable taxes are due with the payment of the above fees. To pay via credit card please contact
Payment by check should be sent to:
1130 Powers Ferry Pl, Marietta, GA 30067