Keep up with Data Protection Trends
This research report is built from 1,550 unbiased businesses worldwide to understand their approach toward data protection and cloud management today. While organizations are already a diverse mix of physical servers (38%), virtual machines (30%), and cloud-hosted VMs (32%), approximately 10% more of onpremises infrastructures will shift to a cloud provider in just two years. This fast-paced switch shows that Digital Transformation has companies adopting a more cloud-friendly ecosystem. As you read this report, know that your own IT challenges can be solved by partnering with the Veeam and VMware Expert, Performive.
Analyze the Report Findings
- 1 hour of downtime is valued at $64,647
- 44% say the top challenge is lack of IT staff skills
Analyze the Report Findings
- 1 hour of downtime is valued at $64,647
- 44% say the top challenge is lack of IT staff skills