6 critical business cases for O365 Backups

A majority of companies across the globe use and rely on Microsoft O365 to operate their business functions. From Outlook to SharePoint to One Drive, the value of the data stored in these application soars into the trillions. Microsoft is responsible for the infrastructure to run these applications. But many companies do not realize that they are responsible for the data. Read this 9 page paper to learn 6 ways your data in O365 could be compromised – and how to protect it.
If you have redundancy in your data in other areas of your organization, why wouldn’t you have data backups for your O365 data?

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  • 37% of companies have data loss due to accidental deletion
  • 18% of IT Pros have had data loss due to security threats
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  • 37% of companies have data loss due to accidental deletion
  • 18% of IT Pros have had data loss due to security threats